Social signals are an important part of your SEO strategy, so don’t neglect it. People long for other’s validation of products and services and spend a lot of time doing research on social media platforms before making a purchase.
Here you’ll find the most viable strategies to get outreach on social media and grow a community around your brand.
“You can’t make everyone happy!” Cliché but true! No matter how good your products are, or how awesome your services may be, there will be some customers who will be unhappy with you and will show their displeasure on different channels including social media.
In fact as a business owner, you will be receiving negative comments on social media at some point or the other.
Yes, it is unpleasant and …
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Just when you’ve decided to build your social media presence, you face the dilemma “where do I begin”. You have so many platforms, so many users to connect with, a plethora of content you can explore from various angles!
You should know that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for social media marketing. It all depends on the nature of your business, the products and services you offer, the audience you …
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When you decide to commit to a rebrand, the stakes are high. Your branding defines how people see your business, and changing it completely means risking the awareness and image you’ve worked hard to build. But what happens when your company evolves to a point where your original branding doesn’t fit anymore? Since branding is so important, a rebrand could be the best decision for you.
At Zizinya Web Solutions, …
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Recently I published a post called 126 Must-Read Traffic Generation Case Studies.
Despite it’s considerable magnitude, the post only took me around 4 hours to put together. It has received almost 500 shares to date.
Mind you, our blog gets a modest amount of traffic (a couple thousand visitors a month), and most posts up until this one received only a couple dozen shares, despite still taking on average …
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There are a lot of marketing articles about Instagram. Or any other “social media channel”, “online platform”, or “inbound marketing target.”
This is going to be another one of those, but with a little twist.
I’m going to tell you everything I did to grow a brand on Instagram, down to the daily tasks – but I’ll talk a little high level as well.
I feel that too many …
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